
LoCO AUV is a Low-Cost Open-Source Autonomous Underwater Vehicle intended for use by school groups and research groups with low levels of funding and personel. LoCO can be assembled with little technical knowledge from approximately $4000 USD worth of off-the-shelf and custom parts, and can be operated and deployed by very small teams.

Current Features

  • Tethered and tetherless operation.
  • Dual cameras for computer vision guidance.
  • NVIDIA Jetson TX2 processor for deep learning inference.
  • Basic state estimation.
  • Human-Robot Interaction capabilities such as diver following, gesture detection, and robot communication via motion.
  • A Gazebo-based simulator for algorithm prototpying.
  • Autonomous human-in-the-loop control system for paired human-robot tasks.

LoCO AUV is currently being tested and documented for a full version 1.0 release, and awaiting University clearence for release under a permissive open-source license.